Top 6 Ways to Save Money On Your Cruise Ship

Everyone has tips for saving money while you’re on your cruise ship. We scoured more than a dozen sources, including Cruisecritic, Fox News, USA Today, Frommers and others, to find the Top 6 ways to save some bucks while you cruise.

According to our research, to save money onboard ship you should:

Consider Advance Purchases. Spa visits and special meals aboard ship often are less expensive if purchased before boarding. One advance purchase to avoid: All You Can Drink specials. Unless you’re travelling with children who get the juice-n-soda deals, you’re quite unlikely to consume enough beverages to come out ahead. Remember, many ships allow you to bring as many as two bottles of wine with you on your cruise.

Schedule Your Own Excursions. With a little extra work, you can save by scheduling your own port excursions. Ask your travel agent to recommend reliable excursion companies at the ports on your cruise, then schedule your own personal excursions. All the reputable excursion companies have websites you can browse. Another option: Google the official tourism websites for the ports on your itinerary. Many of those tourism websites are available at The Tourism Offices Worldwide Directory.

Use Do-It-Yourself Laundry. Acting as your own laundry maid while aboard ship can save you money in the air. That’s right, pack fewer bags and you’ll reduce your luggage fees at the airport. Most airlines now charge fees for all bags except carry-ons. Tip #2: Bring a couple rolls of quarters with you. You’re trying to save money, so you’ll want to avoid using the ship’s laundry or dry-cleaning services. Those services carry premium charges when you’re aboard ship. Wash ‘em yourself.

Regulate Casino Expenses. Gambling aboard ship is like scuba diving: Make a plan, and stick to it. Since one-armed bandits are liable to pay out less than they would in, say, Las Vegas, treat your onboard gambling as an entertainment expense rather than an investment. One table strategy: When your original stack rises above your original purchase amount, slide that excess in your pocket. Once your original buy has evaporated, step away from the table and count your pocket winnings. Repeat.

Restrict Cell Phone Use. Data roaming charges, which apply when you search the internet, can cost about $5 per megabyte. If you don’t want to be charged outgoing roaming fees, there should be an option on your smartphone to disable data roaming. Also, watch out for incoming roaming fees. For instance, accessing a photo in a text message you receive while onboard ship could expose you to the ship’s data roaming fees. You’re better off using the cyber café, where you know your costs up front.

Wait To Shop Onboard. Veteran cruisers know to wait until the last couple days of the voyage to buy from the ship’s gift shops. If you can, wait until the last day at sea. Many cruise-ship shops drop their prices significantly, say 20%-50%, as the vessel heads for home port.

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